Difference Makers
Category: General
Tags: Books, Scott Boren
Books about following Jesus often give the impression that “real” followers of Jesus are those who make radical sacrifices and do extraordinary things to impact their world. Difference Makers is a gift to the rest…
Summer Q&A!
Category: General
Tags: Greg Boyd, Paul Eddy, Q&A, Woodland Hills Church
Greg Boyd and Paul Eddy recently hosted a Summer Q&A for all three services at Woodland Hills Church. If you’ve ever wanted to sit and listen to these guys talk about a wide range of…
Why God Sometimes “Can’t”
Category: Sermons and Video Clips
Tags: Free Will, freedom, God, Prayer, Problem of Evil, Sickness, Warfare Worldview
Topics: Open Theism, Spiritual Warfare, Cosmic Conflict
Greg continues his thoughts on sickness and spiritual warfare by addressing the question of why God “can’t” intervene in some circumstances of illness.
Lighten Up: Underestimated
Category: General, Lighten Up
Tags: Debate, Frank Viola, Friendly Disagreements, Humor, Lighten Up, Open Theism
Frank Viola is at it again. He seems pretty confident that when he and I debate the Open Future this fall that he’ll smear me. That’s his prediction, anyway. The think is, I’ve been underestimated…
Warfare and Sickness
Category: Q&A
Tags: Death, Kingdom Living, Prayer, Sickness, Warfare Worldview
Topics: Spiritual Warfare, Cosmic Conflict
Is sickness something we should come against as spiritual warfare or is sickness just something that is part of our life until the Kingdom of God comes? Greg deals with the answer to this question.
Sex and Purity
Category: General
Tags: Sexuality
Garry Knight via Compfight Jamie the Very Worst Missionary (who could not love her with a blog name like that?) recently discussed why sexual purity matters, and why it’s not just about single people or…
Why do some of Jesus’ parables depict God in violent ways?
Category: Q&A
Tags: Bible, Bible Interpretation, Cruciform Theology, Jesus, Parables, Violence
Topics: Enemy-Loving Non-Violence, Interpreting Violent Pictures and Troubling Behaviors
Greg deals with the question of what it means that some of Jesus’ parables seem to depict God in violent terms. In addition to getting an answer to this question you’ll be treated to a…
The Idolatrous Devotion to Inerrancy
Category: General
Tags: Bible, Ed Cyzewski, Inerrancy, Religious Idolatry, Truth
Luca Rossato via Compfight Ed Cyzewski posted some thoughts on his blog on why he hates the word “inerrancy”. He agrees with something Greg has been saying for a while now that seems shocking to many:…
27 Million Stones
Category: General
Tags: Joel Pilger, Slavery, The Exodus Road
27 Million Stones from Joel Pilger on Vimeo. When ReKnew board member Joel Pilger met the team at The Exodus Road, he was amazed to hear tragic stories of slavery in our modern world. But…
Calling all ReKnew friends in D.C.!
Category: General
Tags: Joel Pilger, ReKnew
A member of our board (Joel Pilger) is developing a video for ReKnew and he needs some volunteers this Saturday. Here’s what he had to say: I’ll be shooting in DC this Saturday morning. I need a few ReKnew…
Sermon Clip: The Cross and the Tree
Category: General
Tags: Adam and Eve, Judgement, Love, Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil
In this short sermon clip, Greg Boyd discusses how Christians should react to the world with love. In the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve were tempted to eat from the Tree of the Knowledge…
Are we called to suffering?
Category: Q&A
Tags: Abuse, Kingdom Living, Love, Sacrifice, Suffering
Topics: Following Jesus
What does it mean when we say we’re called to suffering? Does it mean that we should allow ourselves to be victimized or that God approves when we are abused? Here are Greg’s thoughts on…
Becoming Unbusy
Category: General
Tags: freedom, Joshua Becker, Simplicity, time
ZeroOne via Compfight Joshua Becker posted A Helpful Guide to Becoming Unbusy that we thought was wonderful. If you’re finding yourself mindlessly going from one task to the next with no time to take a…
Category: General
Tags: Forgiveness, Jamie Wright, Love, safety, Sanctuary
. SantiMB . via Compfight Jamie Wright wrote this penetrating essay of encountering a woman in a moment of extremity and need. It’s a reminder of our great need for a sanctuary, a safe…
Lighten Up: I’m Not Worried Frank
Category: General, Lighten Up
Tags: Debate, Frank Viola, Friendly Disagreements, Humor, Lighten Up, Open Theism Well, my dear friend Frank Viola has been spouting off again about how my “logic will be shredded, excoriated, and turned into confetti before a watching world” when we host our debate on Open…
Category: General
Tags: Debate, Frank Viola, Fun, Open Theism
Umberto Salvagnin via Compfight Oh oh. It’s getting ugly up in here. Frank Viola is suggesting that Greg needs to fix a nice tall glass of shut-up juice. He and Greg have decided to have a…
Sermon Clip: The Worst of Sinners
Category: Sermons and Video Clips
Tags: Judgement, Love, Sermons, Sinners, Unsurpassable Worth, Woodland Hills Church
In this short clip, Greg Boyd discusses Paul’s definition of love. In the full sermon, Greg talks about how in this dog eat dog world, we’re programmed to judge others. But to love others with…
The Warfare Worldview
Category: Sermons and Video Clips
Tags: Greg Boyd, ReKnew, Roberta Winter Institute, Science, Warfare Worldview
Topics: Spiritual Warfare, Cosmic Conflict
The Warfare Worldview from Roberta Winter Institute on Vimeo. Here’s a video presentation that Greg did at the Roberta Winter Institute regarding the Warfare Worldview. Enjoy!