Kingdom Living

Beyond Theoretical Salvation
Category: General
Tags: Christian Life, Confession, Faith, Kingdom Living, Present Perfect, Salvation
Profession of Christ’s lordship in our lives isn’t a magical formula. It’s more than a theory about how we can get saved if we confess the right doctrines. The confession has meaning only when it’s…

Is Racism Still a Problem? Does the Church Care?
Category: General
Tags: Kingdom Living, Mennonerds, Myth of a Christian Religion, Racial Reconciliation, Racism
Topics: Ethical, Cultural and Political Issues
Cliff via Compfight On Friday, we posted a piece by Greg on the importance of racial reconciliation in the Kingdom of God. (Click here to read it.) This is a part of the Synchro blog…

Cross-like Love and Non-Violence
Category: General
Tags: Cruciform Theology, Discipleship, Enemy Love, Kingdom Living, Love, Non-Violence, Pacifism
Topics: Ethical, Cultural and Political Issues
Cosmo Spacely via Compfight Though it seems to have been forgotten by many today, the cross wasn’t simply something God did for us. According to the NT, it was also an example God calls us…

Prayer Matters
Category: General
Tags: God's Will, Kingdom Living, Prayer
Topics: Hearing God, Prayer, Spiritual Warfare, Cosmic Conflict
Martin Sharman via Compfight Jesus taught us to pray in a way that recognizes that God’s will isn’t manifested in evil; it’s manifested when he and his people revolt against it. Jesus tells us that…

Memorial Day
Category: Essays
Tags: Essay, Jesus, Kingdom Living, Non-Violence, Pacifism, Self-Sacrificial Love, Soldiers, War
Topics: Enemy-Loving Non-Violence, Ethical, Cultural and Political Issues
For Memorial Day, we thought we would repost Greg’s thoughts from 2007. In this post, Greg expresses his conflicted feelings over this holiday and gives a brief defense of Christian pacifism. *** Hope you all had a…

The Revolutionary Mission of the Church
Category: Q&A
Tags: Kingdom Living, Kingdom Revolution, Myth of a Christian Religion, Warfare Worldview
Topics: The Church
Last week Greg tweeted the following: YES! “[T]he mission of the church is to participate in a drama that has a cross for its climax…” K. Vanhoozer This quote from Vanhoozer summarizes a theme that…

Our Beautiful, Nightmarish World
Category: Essays
Tags: Beauty, Essay, Evil, Kingdom, Kingdom Living, Satan, Warfare Worldview
Topics: Spiritual Warfare, Cosmic Conflict
The Bible consistently proclaims that the creation reflects the glory of God. To me, the truth of this proclamation is undeniable. When I was younger I several times went on three-week solo backpacking trips into…
How should Christians respond to Near Death Experiences?
Category: Q&A
Tags: Christian Life, Death, Greg Boyd, Kingdom Living, Sermons, Theology
Topics: Death and Salvation, End Times, Following Jesus
In a recent Q and A session about the book of Revelation, Greg Boyd and Paul Eddy answer a question on How Christians should respond to claims of Near Death Experiences. You can view the…

Counter-Cultural Community
Category: General
Tags: Community, Confession, Counter-Culture, Judgment, Kingdom Living, Love, Relationships
Jessica Lucia via Compfight On Tuesday Greg tweeted, “We inevitably acclimate to our environment. We can’t hope to be counter-cultural unless we’re embedded in a counter-cultural community.” Surely almost all Christian leaders would agree with…
Living As If God Exists
Category: General
Tags: Kingdom Living, Practicing the Presence of God, Prayer, Present Perfect
It is so easy to do our daily stuff of life as though God does not exist. This is not a statement about our beliefs about God’s existence. It’s a statement about our moment-by-moment living….

God’s Goal for the World
Category: General
Tags: Kingdom Living, Love, Repenting of Religion, Unity
Helga Weber via Compfight In a world that is all about doom and gloom… In a time when we never seem to have enough… In the midst of messages that tell us that we don’t…

What’s Wrong With The World?
Category: General
Tags: Current Events, Evil, Kingdom Living, Living in Love, Soldiers, Spiritual Warfare
Hartwig HKD via Compfight The reports coming out of Fort Hood this morning once again highlight that our world is messed up. And it often feels like we are rearranging the deck chairs on the…

Guest Post: Culture War Neighbors by Bonnie Kristian
Category: General
Tags: Bonnie Kristian, Culture, Homosexuality, Jesus, Kingdom Living, Love, Mercy
Matteo Parrini via Compfight The first time I was aware of meeting a gay person, I was 18. I took a summer job waiting tables, and it turned out two of my coworkers were attracted…
Why the Rapture is a Bad Idea
Category: Sermons and Video Clips
Tags: Animals, Creation, End Times, Jesus, Kingdom Living, Rapture, Sermons, Tribulation, Woodland Hills Church
Is the Rapture really what you think it is? Most Christians believe that God will take his followers up to heaven before the really bad stuff starts on earth, but is this what the bible…

Is America God’s Favored Nation?
Category: General
Tags: America, Finances, Kingdom Living, Wealth and Responsibility
Bart via Compfight Is money a sign of God’s blessing? If so then the more you have the more blessed of God you are. If a church has more money, then more of God’s favor…

Lighten Up: Eat, Pray, Love
Category: General, Lighten Up
Tags: Kingdom Living, Lighten Up, Love, Naked Pastor, Prayer

Our Sacred Scared
Category: General
Tags: Fear, Glennon Doyle Melton, Kingdom Living
Tom Lin via Compfight Glennon Doyle Melton is the voice behind Momastery. She is a brave, funny and challenging writer who has decided to tell the truth after years of drug and alcohol abuse and…

Poor and Black in America
Category: General
Tags: Drew Hart, Justice, Kingdom Living, Poverty, Prejudice
Marco via Compfight Drew Hart is someone with a rare voice. I’m sharing the bio from his blog in its entirety because I think knowing some of his story gives authority to his words. Drew…

The Image of Cross-Like Love: God’s Self-Portrait, Part 6
Category: Essays
Tags: Cruciform Theology, Enemy Love, Essay, God is Love, Kingdom Living, Love
Topics: Christology, Interpreting Violent Pictures and Troubling Behaviors
In the previous blog I argued that God is cross-like love. In this blog I’d like to take this a step further by demonstrating why the cross alone could function as the definitive revelation of…