A ReKnew Website Primer
Category: General
Tags: Curiosity, Knowledge, ReKnew, Theology
In many ways, the ReKnew website has become something like an introductory systematic theology resource centered around the beautiful God we find in Jesus. It is a resource that helps us rethink twelve core theological…
End of Year Reflection
Category: General
Tags: Kingdom, Kingdom Revolution, New Year, ReKnew, Thank You
As we approach the end of this year, I’d like to take a moment to personally thank all of you who are invested in ReKnew. Honestly, your prayers, your words of encouragement, and your financial…
What Does Greg Think About _________________?
Category: General
Tags: Q&A, ReKnew
Since the launch of the new website yesterday, I’ve been browsing around the various topics to see what I can find. You can click here to join me. This is awesome. If you want to…
Welcome to the New ReKnew!
Category: General
Tags: ReKnew, Wizzy Wig Web Design
Say hello to the new and much-improved ReKnew website! Not only have we upgraded the look, feel, and functionality of our site (e.g. our new search engine frankly rocks!), we’ve added – and will continue…
How to Overcome the Flesh Mindset
Category: General
Tags: Flesh, Kingdom Living, Practicing the Presence of God, ReKnew
Unless you have taken intentional steps to change, the way you presently experience yourself and the world around you was mostly chosen for you, not by you. Think about that. You inherited a way of…
Sermon Clip: Twisted Scripture-Romans 10
Category: Sermons and Video Clips
Tags: Greg Boyd, ReKnew, Sermons, Woodland Hills Church
For many Christians, salvation has been reduced to a one-time prayer where one mentally and verbally agrees to a few key theological beliefs. The Bible and Jesus’ life, however, present us with a more holistic…

What Does God Look Like?
Category: General
Tags: God's Character, Jessica Kelley, Mark Moore, Picture of God, ReKnew, Rising Revolution
Thomas Hawk via Compfight Our good friend Jessica Kelley wrote this blog featuring sermons from Mark Moore about what God is really like. It’s a timely piece since Jessica is going to be preaching at Woodland…

Another Sneak Peek from Benefit of the Doubt
Category: General
Tags: Benefit of the Doubt, Doubt, Doubt and the Idol of Certainty, Faith, Greg Boyd, ReKnew, Upcoming Conference
As we approach our ReKnew conference next month, we’ll be posting snippets of Greg’s book, Benefit of the Doubt. We hope you’ll be joining us. We extended the deadline for early bird registration. Get on…

Benefit of the Doubt: Sneak Peek
Category: General
Tags: Benefit of the Doubt, Doubt, Doubt and the Idol of Certainty, Faith, ReKnew
We’ll be leaking little tidbits from Greg’s soon-to-be-released book Benefit of the Doubt from today until the book release. We’re really excited about the potential of this book to impact the lives of those who…

Secret Doubt
Category: General
Tags: Benefit of the Doubt, Doubt, Faith, Jess in Process, Jessica Kelley, ReKnew
J L via Compfight We don’t usually do this, but Jessica Kelley (Henry’s mom) over at Jess in Process wrote a piece about her struggles with doubt, and we got her permission to reprint it…

Happy Birthday to Us
Category: General
Tags: Celebration, Missions, ReKnew, Revolution, support, Thank You
A♥ via Compfight It’s hard to believe, but it was on this day (June 30) one year ago that we launched the ReKnew website. Happy Birthday ReKnew!! As reflected in the ReKnew Manifesto, our goal…

Calling all ReKnew friends in D.C.!
Category: General
Tags: Joel Pilger, ReKnew
A member of our board (Joel Pilger) is developing a video for ReKnew and he needs some volunteers this Saturday. Here’s what he had to say: I’ll be shooting in DC this Saturday morning. I need a few ReKnew…
The Warfare Worldview
Category: Sermons and Video Clips
Tags: Greg Boyd, ReKnew, Roberta Winter Institute, Science, Warfare Worldview
Topics: Spiritual Warfare, Cosmic Conflict
The Warfare Worldview from Roberta Winter Institute on Vimeo. Here’s a video presentation that Greg did at the Roberta Winter Institute regarding the Warfare Worldview. Enjoy!

Open2013 Reflections
Category: General
Tags: Free Will, Greg Boyd, John Sanders, Open Future, Open Theism, ReKnew, T.C. Moore, Theodicy, Theology, Tom Belt, Tom Oord
Both participants and leaders share about what was happening at Open2013 and some of their thoughts on Open Theism. Listen in and hear from Greg Boyd, John Sanders, Tom Oord, T. C. Moore, Jessica Kelley…
Open2013 Speakers (Video)
Category: Q&A
Tags: Greg Boyd, John Sanders, Open Theism, ReKnew, Tom Oord, Woodland Hills Church
Topics: Open Theism
Here’s all of the videos of the speakers and their Q&A’s from Open2013. Unfortunately, there was a mix-up and we didn’t get Jessica Kelley’s presentation taped. We’re working to get her to speak again so…

Last Minute Preparations
Category: General
Tags: Jessica Kelley, Kingdom, Open Theism, Prayer, ReKnew
We’re all busy here at ReKnew making last minute preparations for the Open2013 conference here in St. Paul, MN. It’s our first ever event of this kind and there’s a nervous energy and anticipation. I…

Category: General
Tags: Easter, ReKnew, Resurrection
Martin LaBar via Compfight Easter blessings to all of you from the ReKnew team. He is risen!