Why Doesn’t God Make Himself Obvious?
Category: Q&A
Tags: Apologetics, Doubt, Free Will, God, Letters from a Skeptic
Topics: Attributes and Character, Hearing God, Prayer
Why is faith so difficult? Why isn’t God more obvious? Why doesn’t God come out and provide irrefutable proof that he is God so that there is no more doubt? Greg’s father raised such questions…
Lighten Up: Moses on Sinai
Category: General, Lighten Up
Why would God bother giving commandments if he already determined what each person will do before they’re born? Chew on it.
Romans 8:28: What Does It Mean?
Category: General
Tags: Determinism, Evil, Free Will, God's Will, Romans 8:28
The Bible is very clear that God has nothing to do with evil. There is “no darkness” in God. (I Jn 1:5). Far from intentionally bringing about evil, God’s “eyes are too pure to look…
Sermon: Kingdom Nice
Category: Sermons and Video Clips
Tags: Christian Life, Christianity, Woodland Hills Church
Did Jesus’ disciples break up?!? In this short clip, Greg Boyd talks about conflict between the disciples and how they handled it in a Christ-like way. The little things we do in the Kingdom make…
Resignation to Evil: Not an Option
Category: General
Tags: Calvinism, Determinism, Evil, Kingdom Revolution, Revolt, Warfare Worldview
One lucky guy via Compfight While few Christians would deny that Satan is in some sense the ruler of this world, since it’s so clearly taught in the New Testament, many nevertheless insist that everything…
Trinity and Love
Category: General
Tags: David D. Flowers, God is Love, Love, Trinity
Steve via Compfight There is a lot of mystery around the concept of the Trinity, and because the word is not used in Scripture some people think it’s not “Biblical”. David D. Flowers posted a…
The Revolutionary Mission of the Church
Category: Q&A
Tags: Kingdom Living, Kingdom Revolution, Myth of a Christian Religion, Warfare Worldview
Topics: The Church
Last week Greg tweeted the following: YES! “[T]he mission of the church is to participate in a drama that has a cross for its climax…” K. Vanhoozer This quote from Vanhoozer summarizes a theme that…
Lighten Up: You Gotta Believe In Something, Man!
Category: General, Lighten Up
Tags: Atheism, Belief, Faith, Lighten Up, Philosophy, Theology
Two things here: 1) How does this philosopher not see that “not believing in believing” is itself a belief? 2) Is that a turtleneck or is that philosopher just really hairy?
Open Theism: A Basic Introduction
Category: General
Tags: Foreknowledge, Open Theism, Satan and the Problem of Evil, Warfare Worldview
Topics: Open Theism
On Monday and Tuesday, Greg explained Molinism and contrasted it against the open view of the future. (Click here for part 1). Because many see the open view as a limited view of God, it’s…
Sermon: Good News-ing
Category: Sermons and Video Clips
How are Christians supposed to evangelize in their everyday lives? In this sermon clip, Greg Boyd gives a bad example from personal experience and then describes how the Bible asks us to act like…
A Dear John Letter to John Calvin
Category: General
Tags: Calvinism, John Calvin, The American Jesus, Zack Hunt
Zack Hunt of The American Jesus wrote a brilliant “Dear John” letter after reading Calvin’s most famous work, Institutes of the Christian Religion. If you want to hear a well-articulated and engaging challenge of classic Calvinism,…
Molinism and Open Theism – Part II
Category: Q&A
Tags: Determinism, Molinism, Open Theism, The Great Omission
Topics: Open Theism What it is and is not, Providence, Predestination and Free Will
In the previous post on this topic I briefly outlined Molinism and then discussed “the grounding objection.” In this post I’ll first discuss another fundamental objection to Molinism and then discuss how it is overcome…
Molinism and Open Theism – Part I
Category: Q&A
Tags: Calvinism, Choice, Determinism, Free Will, God, Molinism, Open Theism
Topics: Open Theism What it is and is not, Providence, Predestination and Free Will
I’ve been asked for the umpteenth time on Twitter lately about the difference between “Molinism” and “Open Theism,” and for some reason, today seemed like a good day to begin addressing this question. I’ll do this…
The Good Samaritan, Non-Violence & Eternal Life
Category: General
Tags: Judgment, Love, Mennonerds, Non-Violence, Violence
Renaud Camus via Compfight An expert in the law asked Jesus what he had to do “to inherit eternal life” (See the story in Luke 10:25 and following). Jesus asked him what he thought the…
Sermons: Hanging in the Balance
Category: Sermons and Video Clips
Tags: Prayer, Sermons, Woodland Hills Church
Prayer is a fancy word for talking to God. In this short sermon clip. Greg Boyd introduces what prayer is designed for and what it can be used for. The Bible shows us that…
Was Jesus Violent in the Temple?
Category: Q&A
Tags: Jesus, Mennonerds, Non-Violence, Violence
Topics: Enemy-Loving Non-Violence
Many adopt the attitude depicted in the picture above, saying that Jesus used violence when he cleansed the temple. But Jesus’ stance on nonviolence is clear not only from how he responded to threatening enemies…
Is Non-Violence a Key to Christian Discipleship?
Category: Q&A
Tags: Mennonerds, Non-Violence, Peacemaking, Violence
Topics: Enemy-Loving Non-Violence
For the first three centuries of the church, Christians understood that forgoing the use of violence and expressing God’s self-sacrificial love was central to discipleship. However, this mindset changed after the Church acquired power in…
Book Review: Jesus Now
Category: General
When most Christians think of Jesus, they imagine the man from Galilee who lived 2100 years ago. There is of course nothing wrong with imagining Jesus this way, but, as Frank Viola demonstrates in his…
Why Believe that There Is a God?
Category: Q&A
Tags: Apologetics, God, Letters from a Skeptic
Topics: Apologetics
“Why should we believe in God in the first place?” This was a question that Greg’s father asked of Greg. While there are many ways to respond, Greg’s offered what is called “the anthropological argument.”…
Our Beautiful, Nightmarish World
Category: Essays
Tags: Beauty, Essay, Evil, Kingdom, Kingdom Living, Satan, Warfare Worldview
Topics: Spiritual Warfare, Cosmic Conflict
The Bible consistently proclaims that the creation reflects the glory of God. To me, the truth of this proclamation is undeniable. When I was younger I several times went on three-week solo backpacking trips into…