
Lighten Up: Lucky Cat
Category: General, Lighten Up
Tags: Humor, Lighten Up
We saw this over at The American Jesus blog and just had to share.

The Only Starting Point
Category: General
Tags: Faith, Jesus, Roger Olson
Sree V. Remella via Compfight Our friend Roger Olson wrote a great article on placing Jesus first when constructing a statement of faith. It might seem like a small thing, but it deeply matters what…
Category: General
Tags: Breaking Down Walls, Love, Racism, Sandra Unger, Separation, Sermons, Sexism, Tribalism, Unity
Sandra Unger spoke for Greg while he was on vacation the week after the 4th. In this clip, Sandra explains whats tribes are and how that creates unintended separation between people. In the full sermon, she…

Arbitrary Election
Category: General
Tags: Calvinism, John Piper, Micah J Murray, Neo-Reformed Theology, Salvation, Unconditional Election
Micah J. Murray wrote a blog entitled Five Reasons I Reject Unconditional Election, which was a response to John Piper’s recent arguments for embracing unconditional election. If you’re looking for Scripture-based argumentation, you would do well…
From the Heart: Transformation
Category: General
Tags: From the Heart, Testimonies, Transformation, Woodland Hills Church
We absolutely love getting letters of testimony. If you have been impacted by this ministry in a significant way, please consider sharing your story with us. Here’s one we received this week that rocked our…

Rest is Good
Vinoth Chandar via Compfight It’s important (and also a valuable spiritual discipline) to regularly stop and rest from all your work. Even God rested after he created us. In light of this (and because most…

Category: General
Tags: Non-Violence, Peace
We’re excited about an upcoming video series by Peaceworks, a new youth movement for peace. It will inspire you and give you the tools you need to make a difference in your life and the…

Quotes to Chew On: The Plausibility of the Supernatural
Category: General
“Our contention is that a truly critical historical methodology is one that is critical of the Western academic assumption of a thoroughgoing naturalism and is therefore genuinely open to finding supernatural occurrences in history–not merely…

A Lesson in Otherness
Category: General
Tags: Hatred, Love, Prejudice, Racism, Segregation Long, long ago, a third grade teacher taught her class a lesson they will never forget. You won’t forget it either. This video is nearly 15 minutes long, but it’s so worth your time….

As We Approach the 4th
Category: General
Tags: America, David D. Flowers, Idolatry, July 4th, Nationalism, Pledge of Allegiance
zen Sutherland via Compfight This is the time of year when we start hearing loud bangs at night and you have to ask yourself the following multiple choice question: Was that bang: a car backfiring?…

Happy Birthday to Us
Category: General
Tags: Celebration, Missions, ReKnew, Revolution, support, Thank You
A♥ via Compfight It’s hard to believe, but it was on this day (June 30) one year ago that we launched the ReKnew website. Happy Birthday ReKnew!! As reflected in the ReKnew Manifesto, our goal…

Lighten Up: Ask Isaac
Category: General, Lighten Up
For our Friday fun today we wanted to share the amazing blog of Isaac Livesay. He is an 11 year old boy in Haiti who writes a blog in which he answers reader questions during…

Greg and Bruxy Pulpit Swap
Category: General
Tags: Anabaptists, Bruxy Cavey, Greg Boyd, Love, The Meeting House, Woodland Hills Church
Greg Boyd and Bruxy Cavey swapped pulpits last weekend. Here are a couple of clips to give you an idea of what each of them offered. You can access the full sermons here and here.

Summer Q&A!
Category: General
Tags: Greg Boyd, Paul Eddy, Q&A, Woodland Hills Church
Greg Boyd and Paul Eddy recently hosted a Summer Q&A for all three services at Woodland Hills Church. If you’ve ever wanted to sit and listen to these guys talk about a wide range of…

Sex and Purity
Category: General
Tags: Sexuality
Garry Knight via Compfight Jamie the Very Worst Missionary (who could not love her with a blog name like that?) recently discussed why sexual purity matters, and why it’s not just about single people or…

The Idolatrous Devotion to Inerrancy
Category: General
Tags: Bible, Ed Cyzewski, Inerrancy, Religious Idolatry, Truth
Luca Rossato via Compfight Ed Cyzewski posted some thoughts on his blog on why he hates the word “inerrancy”. He agrees with something Greg has been saying for a while now that seems shocking to many:…

27 Million Stones
Category: General
Tags: Joel Pilger, Slavery, The Exodus Road
27 Million Stones from Joel Pilger on Vimeo. When ReKnew board member Joel Pilger met the team at The Exodus Road, he was amazed to hear tragic stories of slavery in our modern world. But…

Calling all ReKnew friends in D.C.!
Category: General
Tags: Joel Pilger, ReKnew
A member of our board (Joel Pilger) is developing a video for ReKnew and he needs some volunteers this Saturday. Here’s what he had to say: I’ll be shooting in DC this Saturday morning. I need a few ReKnew…